Monalisa – The Confused, Obsessive Chick

Explain to me the beauty of this painting. Is it because it is actually, genuinely beautiful? Or is it because it has so much hype around it that the world has been convinced to think that the painting rocks! Whatever it is, I don’t really care. I don’t care if she is laughing or smiling, or whether ‘she’ is a portrait of Da Vinci himself, or how her stare follows you everywhere. I personally don’t see anything great in it (believers of the contrary please convince me). But then, I am no art expert.

But what’s interesting is the world’s obsession with this painting. I came across a TIME article with regards to this, and just read how the world goes bezerk over her:

  1. Monalisa Smile: “A Dutch emotion-recognition program determined that her non-grin is just 83% happy. She is also 9% disgusted, 6% fearful and 2% angry.” **okay…**
  2. Speak Up: “A Japanese forsenics expert claims that by analyzing her skeletal structure, he can accurately re-create her voice, which he said was low for a woman.” **what? how?**
  3. Smokin‘: Italian researchers say Leonardo used a blurring technique called sfumato, employing microscopic dots to create the smoky shadows near her eyes and mouth that make her stare so enigmatic.” **what the hell!**
  4. Mona Mia: “A Harvard symblolgist uncovered an anagram scrawled in invisible ink across the painting’s face, which led to the discovery of a secret society…” **yeah, you’ve read a book about it…**

Note: The above information was taken from TIME magazine.

Can you believe the amount of research done on this chick? Wait, she is not even good-looking! I guess it is the enigma and controversy that surrounds the painting that makes it what it is. Christianity, Leonardo Da Vinci and the Illuminati are all very fascinating aspects. But so much hype? Really? But then again, imagine a world without the Monalisa

P.S. Any other fascinating facts that have eluded me?

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